The Future of Productivity: Pillars of Performance Enablement for 2023
How Emotional Analytics Helped Companies to Empower their Distributed Workforces During the Pandemic
Smart technology has transformed the way brands interact with consumers. Analytical tools constantly track what we are doing, where we are going and what we search for online. In other words, smart technology has created the ability to monitor what people do. But until recently it has not been possible to monitor what people feel. Emotional analytics has changed that.
Emotions drive decisions
Emotions are part of human nature. Emotions drive decisions. Which means emotions drive actions. They influence how we feel, how we react and what we do. And no matter how much we like to think of ourselves as people who make decisions based on careful thought and consideration, the truth is we all succumb to emotions from time to time. Emotional analytics technology monitors emotional responses to build fascinating new types of data which give an insight into the human psyche. They are the next step in AI and promise to bridge that gap between humans and machines. Emotional analytics allows machines to read and understand human emotion and then react in a pragmatic way without being influenced by emotion.
Your online presence is awash with the emotions you express; emojis, likes, shares, capital letters, exclamation marks, the list goes on. Likewise, phone calls and video calls are full of intonation, pitch and phrases that, if harnessed correctly, provide an insight into the emotion of the speaker. Emotional analytics identifies and analyses the full range of human emotions including mood, attitude and emotional personality. It has proved invaluable for brands in understanding why consumers feel the way they do, and tailoring their products or services to meet customer desires.
How emotional analytics works
Use emotional analytics to understand the emotions that drive employees and embed that data into a bespoke training package individual to each member of staff. Performance enablement platforms collect real time data to measure employee behavior and performance against KPIs. They then turn this data into practical steps for them to take based on AI analytics, to drive workforce behavior change and increase productivity. No need for numerous systems and software packages. No need for laborious training manuals that focus on ancillary tasks that don’t add value. Just one simple piece of software working away in the background to provide data driven training solutions where and when they are needed.
Gone are the days when you had to take printed reports into a meeting with a member of staff and spend time trying to understand what drives them, what changes they could make to achieve productivity growth and how they were feeling about their role. Emotional analytics puts an end to all that time wasted. Your employee is monitored while carrying out their tasks with focus on every nuance and detail of how they work, so there is no need for downtime while you talk to them about where things could be improved. behavioral changes no longer need to be based on a system of trial and error. AI technology assesses training requirements and delivers them directly to your employee. Emotional analytics allows supervisors to provide detailed data-driven feedback in every one-to-one meeting with staff. It allows them to assess whether a change in working practice will increase productivity.
Upskill individuals according to their needs
Individual, targeted training does more than simply increase baseline productivity. Confident staff who know their company values them develop quicker and are more motivated. A 2020 study by Hay Group showed that motivated employees perform on average 43% better than those that feel undervalued and lethargic in the workplace. Identifying the individual factors that motivate a member of staff, and addressing their specific training needs are two sure fire ways to inspire them to want to improve their performance. And delivering the right training to the right person at the right time provides the tools for them to achieve and exceed expectations. Performance enablement platforms allow each individual’s training to be focused on where they need it most – honing in on skills each employee will actually use on a daily basis. The confidence that grows from tackling a situation differently and seeing results then helps to embed that information. Knowledge is retained and, along with increased productivity, you’ll upskill and develop existing employees to help reduce staff turnover.
Empower your managers
It’s predicted that the coming years will see the role of supervisors change dramatically with up to 69% of their current workload becoming automated. But this shouldn’t scare people into thinking their jobs are on the line. It should inspire them to embrace the benefits of AI technology. Automation will provide more accurate performance data more quickly than traditional methods. This provides a huge opportunity for sales managers,for example, to spend more time doing what they are paid to do – managing their sales team. Getting into the detail of how each member of the team performs. Understanding what makes them tick. Identifying and fixing inefficiencies in individual and team performance.
Brands have been quick to embrace smart technology and AI in the way they interact with consumers. That is, to a large degree, because consumers have come to expect an improved CX. But why stop there? Why not place the same focus on employee experience? Technology is a key factor in almost every industry in the modern age. It has a crucial role to play in achieving business goals. But human resources will always be the major difference between success and failure. The key to success in the modern world is achieving the perfect synergy so that your tech enhances your human resources.
Find out how Rallyware could help you boost productivity and ROI through employee training and engagement. Book a demo today!
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