
Decoding Distributor Dynamics: How ACN, Plexus, and Xyngular Scale Direct Selling Field Enablement

In today’s dynamic direct selling landscape, the relationship between companies and their distributors is critical to success. Distributors, unlike traditional employees, are entrepreneurial—they are motivated by personal goals, compensated on commission, and rewarded for their individual efforts. This reality creates unique challenges for companies striving to foster engagement, drive sales, and scale through effective direct selling field enablement.

For companies like ACN, Plexus, and Xyngular, success hinges not only on onboarding distributors but on enabling their long-term success. By leveraging behavioral insights, focusing on early engagement, and closely tracking distributor dynamics, these organizations have refined their sales force enablement strategies to drive distributor engagement and performance. Here’s how these leaders are achieving it.

The Role of Early Engagement in Direct Selling Field Enablement

A distributor’s first few days can make or break their future success. Early engagement isn’t a luxury—it’s essential to long-term performance. Companies that emphasize early engagement see higher retention, greater sales volumes, and stronger distributor performance.

At ACN, the focus is on getting new distributors to engage with their offerings quickly, creating a foundation for success.

“We track very closely how quickly new distributors get someone to use one of our services. Are they moving from one recognition level to the next? That progress tells us a lot about their future performance.”
Angela Chrysler
Angela Chrysler
Chief Development Officer at ACN

Xyngular takes a similar approach, with field leaders keeping a close eye on early distributor behaviors to identify potential top performers. Curtis Call, Chief Sales Officer at Xyngular, points out the importance of recognizing early momentum: “Our leaders know who’s come into their teams and is immediately getting into the right behaviors. It’s not uncommon for me to get a text from a leader that says, ‘I’ve got a new girl. She’s on fire.’” Early wins set the tone for long-term sales enablement impact and performance.

The lesson here is clear: investing in early engagement strategies provides distributors with a strong start, increasing the likelihood of success.

Behavioral Data as the Engine Driving Field Enablement

While direct selling is rooted in personal relationships, data drives those relationships at scale. Behavioral data—drawn from distributor actions, customer engagement, and sales performance—offers powerful insights to refine sales force enablement strategies.

At Plexus, data-driven insights form the core of their enablement strategy. Genevieve Skory, Chief Field Development Officer at Plexus, explains, “We categorize distributor behaviors into groups, and the more we can say ‘yes’ in each of those categories—product engagement, community participation—the more we can predict their success.” This allows Plexus to predict who will excel and provide them with tailored support.

This approach is echoed by ACN and Xyngular. ACN’s data-centric approach enables it to track which services are gaining traction and which distributors are lagging, providing the company with the information necessary to adjust its strategies. By monitoring how distributors interact with services, Xyngular ensures its partners are aligned with the right tools and incentives to thrive.

By leveraging behavioral data, direct selling companies can scale their field enablement efforts more effectively, ensuring that distributors are positioned for success.

Distributor Retention Through Smart Recognition and Rewards

Sustaining distributor engagement over time requires more than just strong onboarding. Ongoing recognition and rewards are vital to keeping distributors motivated and loyal to the brand. Effective distributor engagement doesn’t end after the first few wins—it’s built on continual acknowledgment of effort and success.

Xyngular’s Passport Program, designed to reward high-performing distributors early in their journey, exemplifies this. Curtis Call highlights the program’s impact: “We try to create sticky experiences for them—like our Passport Program, where new partners earn a trip to visit the headquarters, meet the staff, and feel valued.” The emotional connection created through these experiences drives long-term loyalty and engagement.

ACN has also embraced a system of ongoing recognition through frequent events. As Angela Chrysler notes, “We believe in event-to-event momentum. Having an event every 90 days helps drive distributor engagement and keeps the community motivated.” These events are both a celebration and an opportunity for ongoing education, reinforcing the value distributors bring to the organization.

Recognition and rewards not only foster loyalty but also boost performance, ensuring that distributors remain invested in the company’s growth.

Behavioral Coaching as a Key to Direct Selling Field Enablement

Beyond early wins, long-term success in direct selling often hinges on continuous coaching. Coaching doesn’t just improve short-term performance; it enables distributors to develop the leadership skills necessary to scale their teams and drive sustainable growth.

Plexus has adopted a structured approach to coaching, focusing on activity-based coaching that helps distributors advance from entry-level leadership to mastery. Genevieve Skory describes their approach: “We focus on activity-based coaching, driving distributors from entry-level leadership to mastery. The goal is to help them not just achieve success themselves, but also to teach others how to do the same.”

Xyngular places equal importance on coaching, with a focus on supporting distributors who may take longer to achieve success.

“Sprinters are a dime a dozen, but what you’re really looking for to build your business is the marathoner—those who stick it out long-term.”
Curtis Call
Curtis Call
Chief Sales Officer at Xyngular

By focusing on long-term coaching, Xyngular helps its distributors steadily grow, creating a foundation for sustainable sales force enablement.

Coaching is essential not only for immediate success but for building a pipeline of strong leaders who will continue to drive growth.

Simplification of Distributor Experience

While data and coaching are crucial to success, simplicity is equally important. Overcomplicating processes can overwhelm distributors and impede their success. The companies that thrive are those that streamline their operations and simplify sales enablement strategies.

ACN recognizes the importance of reducing complexity. Angela Chrysler emphasizes the company’s commitment to making things easier for distributors: “Too much of what we do is complicated. We have to simplify every aspect of our business, especially in today’s environment where there are so many options.”

Plexus is also focused on simplification, particularly when it comes to sharing products and onboarding new distributors. Many distributors feel stuck when they don’t know how to proceed after a prospect expresses interest. Simplifying these steps ensures a smoother path to success, reducing friction and allowing distributors to build momentum quickly.

By focusing on simplification, direct selling companies can enhance distributor engagement and ensure that distributors remain focused on growing their businesses without being bogged down by overly complicated processes.

Staying Competitive in a Crowded Gig Economy

The rise of the gig economy and digital platforms has intensified competition in the direct selling space. Companies like ACN, Plexus, and Xyngular are adapting their strategies to stay competitive by blending traditional strengths with modern digital tools and techniques.

Curtis Call at Xyngular highlights the importance of staying adaptable: “If you hate change, you’ll hate irrelevancy even more. We have to adapt the model while staying true to our direct selling roots.” Xyngular’s ability to evolve while maintaining its core values has helped it remain a leading force in the industry.

Plexus, meanwhile, is heavily investing in new technologies to ensure its distributors can meet customers where they are—whether through social media, e-commerce, or in person.

“We need to keep up with technology. Everything from where people shop to how they interact digitally. Staying relevant is about meeting people where they are.”
Genevieve Skory
Genevieve Skory
Chief Field Development Officer at Plexus Worldwide

The companies that excel in this crowded marketplace will be those that master distributor engagement, leverage technology effectively, and continually simplify processes to keep distributors focused and motivated.

The Future of Direct Selling Field Enablement

As direct selling companies look to the future, the path forward involves refining strategies that drive field enablement at scale. By leveraging behavioral insights, embracing simplicity, and maintaining adaptability, ACN, Plexus, and Xyngular are leading the way in sales force enablement.

Early engagement, continuous recognition, and long-term coaching are crucial components of their success. By focusing on these areas, direct selling companies can drive a positive sales enablement impact, ensuring sustained growth and competitive advantage.Interested in learning how Rallyware can help scale your direct selling field enablement strategy? Request a demo today to see how our platform drives distributor behavior change and optimizes performance at scale.